F1 In Schools: The Ultimate STEM Competition

The F1 in Schools Challenge is the ultimate engineering competition for teams of 3-6 students aged 11-19. Using CAD/CAM software, participants design and race miniature F1 cars powered by compressed air on a 20-meter track. Beyond speed, teams are judged on portfolios, marketing, presentations, and pit displays, blending engineering, creativity, and strategy. It’s a high-stakes test of innovation and teamwork, shaping the next generation of engineers and leaders.

We are Phoenix Motorsports, a determined team competing in the global F1 in Schools challenge. To maximize our chances of success on the national stage, we are seeking sponsors who share our vision of innovation and excellence. But this isn’t a one-way partnership—we are committed to delivering a generous return on your investment. Through prominent branding, media exposure, and showcasing your support to a global audience, we’ll ensure your company gains visibility and recognition while helping us achieve our dreams. Together, we can cross the finish line as champions.